postRIP V5.0 provides the improvement of more powerful and easy-to-use features to meet the variety and diversity of the prepress needs.
- 1. 3pages fold: Improvement for 3 page fold DM special.
- 2. Book Management: in order to manage cross LAY jobs.
the group of LAY files can be grouped and managed with the book management.
- 3. Double burn: an easy to use GUI to handle the job of multi-Language jobs.
a new option in PLY output, 2 separations can be double burned to be output as one separation.
- 4. Digital Proof: New proof solution for digital printer or color copier.
the imposition can be proof with laser printer by output a layout of 2 UP PLY.
- 5. Invisible Grid: improvement for jumble mode positioning.
the invisible grid can be predefined on the background the working area, so that all the elements can move by Arrow keys with the predefined distance according to the invisible grid.
- 6. Signature Text Anywhere: Extend the flexibility for Signature Text
besides the Signature Text in the fixed location, new feature supports signature text anywhere on the plate.
- 7. Vertical flow Page Text flow: Meet CJK font special requirement
for Chinese/Korean/Japanese Font.
- 8. Custom Cross marks: Improvement for different Cross Mark requirements.
provide Script feature for the users to define the Cross Mark by a Script Graphic Command of Line, Circle, and rectangular.
- 9. Custom Mark pallet: Improvement for the Custom Mark Access.
a Pallet to list all the custom marks, so that user can find /edit / delete the marks.
- 10. Creep Compensation for Wrap imposition: Improvement of the Creep Compensation
the Creep Compensation can be applied to a single wrap, not go through the whole signatures.
- 11. ¡§Mark to Mark¡¨ and ¡§Mark to Image¡¨ placement: Friendly user interface improvement for positioning on jumble mode.
in Jumble mode, the custom mark can be placed according to relative position of a selected custom mark or image.
- 12. Center Major: New rule to improve the batch placement of jumble mode jobs.
in the batch operation of the Jumble mode, the placement will start from the center of the plate.
- 13. Precise Position: Easy to operate improvement to position a object on the plate.
new reference points design to enhance the positioning the image on the plate.
- 14. Multi-Select: Simply the operation from many clicks to one operation.
user can select more than one mark or image as the base element, in the ¡§mark to mark¡¨ or ¡§mark to image¡¨ operation.
- 15. Backside match tool: Improvement to meet the efficiency and accuracy for smart positioning on the backside signature.
In jumble mode, the double sided plate operation, user can select an image to be the relative backside image on the relative position on the back signature.
- 16. Step and Repeat Grid improvement: Easy-to-use improvement for Label and package jobs.
the blue and red grid can be calculated automatically depending on size of the objects placed.
- 17. Imageharbor Double-Burn: improvement to merge 2 plates into one, 2 signatures into one.
user can select any two PLY in the Queue Manager, and have them double burned as a single plate.
- 18. Grouping by page and book: improve the proofing accuracy by group information.
ImageHarbor communicates with the plugin with the grouping information,
so that the plugin can handle the plates in group.
- 19. New Features in the Action Queue of the ImageHarbor.:
to improve the control of the ImageHarbor operation.
- 20. Die cut EPS file defined:
Only for Dainippon Screen¡¦s plugin, to provide EPS file for die cut machine.
in the Template Client, user can define the pathname of the die cut EPS file, and the die cut information can be passed to the plugin which can handle it.
- 21. Gripper Marker: a special Gripper marker define for CTP plate.
- 22. CMYK density picker: to improve the ripped image informative
the density picker can display the density of the selected spot on the plate.
- 23. Collect All (image): Powerful tool to collect all the missing image
the image file can be redefined by this feature when the source image was removed.
- 24. New commands for ImageHarbor: to break through the internal limitation of last version.
- 1- the number of Band of Page Buffer, so that ImageHarbor can benefit from the bigger RAM than 512MB.
- 2- Precise imaging position, so that no more gap between the two adjacent images.